Changes from plotnine

Call convention

The dppd_plotnine interface differes in two aspects from plotnine (and R’s ggplot2) API:

Method-chaining replaces addition


   p = p9.ggplot(df)
   p += p9.geom_point(p9.aes('x','y'), color='red')

   dp(df).p9.geom_point(p9.aes('x','y'), color='red').pd

And optionally, aes mapping and kwargs are replaced by kwargs starting with and without underscore:

   dp(df).p9.add_point('x', y='y', _color='red').pd

All geom_* functions can be called as add_* with the following changes to the calling api:

  • all REQUIRED_AES can be passed by position. The order is x,y, then alphabetically
  • kwargs that name an aes are mapped (ie. as if they were passed to mapping=p9.aes(…)).
  • kwargs starting with a ‘_’ are treated as unmapped (ie. _color= get’s passed as color= kwarg to the geom)
  • data, position and stat are left alone.
  • data=None turns the geom into an annotation.

This pythonifies the interface a bit and get’s rid of the p9.aes boilerplate, while maintaining full expressiveness.

Note that this also allows you to use geom_hline(300) without having to type y_intercept=…

Ways to pass in data

  1. As an expression evaluated in the context of the DataFrame, using patsy, mapped: add_point(x='df_column * 5', ...). Note that column named ‘x * 5’ takes precedence over a column ‘x’ multiplied by 5.
  2. As a mapped list, the size of the DataFrame: add_point(x=['a','b','c], ...)
  3. As an unmapped list, the size of the DataFrame: add_point(_color=['red','blue','red','blue'])
  4. As a mapped scalar: add_point(x='"a"' ...), note the inner quoting!
  5. As a unmapped scalar: add_point(..., _color='red')
  6. A mapping may refer to stat derived variables, add_bar(x=’x’, y=’stat(count)’, stat=p9.stat_count)
  7. If data=None is passed, the geom is treated as an annotation and a DataFrame is constructed from the values of the mappend and unmapped arguments: add_point(data=None, x=5, y=10, _color='red')

Other changes from plotnine

  • the default stat on geom_bar is stat_identity.
  • save is verbose=False by default and returns the plot object
  • save is aliased to render
  • add_scatter is an alias for add_point
  • there is a small set of convinence wrappers - see dppd_plotnine.plotnine_extensions